For many, Christmas is 'the most wonderful time of the year', as many services close or reduce their opening hours to allow their staff and volunteers a well-earned rest.
However, as the world takes a pause during this celebratory period - the issues faced by individuals and their families continue to exist or can be made worse by the pressures of Christmas.
If you're seeking support over the festive period, here are some services that can help:
Citizens Advice Liverpool
We will be operating at reduced capacity from Tuesday the 24th of December until Thursday the 2nd of January, prioritising emergency cases during this time.
Our national website is available 24/7 and gives you access to advice articles covering a range of topics.
Feeding Liverpool has a Christmas Support Page detailing food banks and their different opening times, community Christmas meals and food pantry details. Some food banks require a referral from partner organisations.
If your nearest food bank requires a referral voucher, please contact our General Adviceline for free on 0808 278 7840 during our festive opening times.
Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme is available on the 24th, 27th, 30th and 31st of December, providing gas and electrical vouchers (urgent needs) and household essentials (home needs). Call the freephone helpline on 0800 456 1523 or 0151 233 3053.
If you are made homeless during the Christmas period, Liverpool Housing Options can provide emergency accommodation. Call 0151 233 3044 (Freephone 0800 731 6844).
Worried about a rough sleeper in Liverpool? The 'Always Help Available' line is available 24/7 on 0300 123 2041.
Warm Hubs
The Life Rooms are open across Liverpool between Christmas and New Year:
Further Warm hubs are detailed on Liverpool Community and Voluntary Services (LCVS) support pages.
Wellbeing and Mental Health
Liverpool Adults: Contact Mersey Care Talking Therapies at 0151 228 2300. For 24-hour crisis support, call 0800 145 657
Children and Young People: Childline is available 24/7 for those aged under 19 - call 0800 1111 to speak with a counsellor
Shout: A text-based service for mental health support. Text SHOUT to 85258
Samaritans: Open 24/7, this service provides a non-judgemental listening ear if you're struggling to cope or feel like you're at crisis point. Call 116 123.
Further 24/7 helplines:
For non-urgent medical advice for physical and mental health issues, call NHS 111
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 999
Power cut? Call 105
The Silver Line - a support service run by AgeUK offering conversation and friendship for those facing loneliness. Call 0800 4 70 80 90, available 24/7
National Gambling Helpline: Open 24/7, call 0808 8020 133
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: Open 24/7, call 0808 200 0247.
On behalf of our staff and volunteers, we wish all of our community a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.