Fuel Support Referrals (HSF 6)
Update 13th March 2025: the fund has been topped up, and will remain open until 31st March 2025. Please submit completed referrals as soon as possible to assist processing ahead of 31st March 2025.
Citizens Advice Liverpool are distributing £1 700 000 of fuel support on behalf of Liverpool City Council. This webpage is for referral partners only. Citizens Advice Liverpool cannot accept self-referrals through this form. If you are a client seeking advice, please click here.
HSF6 fuel support is available to households in the Liverpool local authority area, whereby the referred client meets at least one of the following criteria:
• People over the age of 65, low income, and not in receipt of Pension Credit;
• People living with multiple long-term health conditions;
• People living with a new diagnosis of either cancer or a long-term respiratory problem;
• People living with a severe mental impairment;
• Lone parent households on the perinatal pathway (i.e., during pregnancy and the first year after birth);
• Low income households.
​If a referrer is using the discretional “low income” criteria, they are confirming the client’s household is in financial difficulty and does not have other sources of support available to cover their household utility bills.
Referral partners are also asked to upload a copy of the client’s utility bill or, for those on prepayment meters, other correspondence that shows the client's or bill payers name, address and customer reference number with their utility supplier.​​​
Payments of £250 are available.
Payments of £250 will be made direct to utility suppliers, including clients with a prepayment meter.
Information we need from you:
Client's full name, address, date of birth and one or more contact methods.
A scanned copy (ideally as a PDF file) of the client's most recent utility bill, or in the case of clients with a prepayment meter, a letter from their supplier showing their customer account reference number.
If documentation genuinely cannot be provided (for example, if the client is in hospital, or unable to take a photocopy to a postbox) please state in the referral the reason why documentation cannot be provided, and confirm that you have double checked the customer account number with the client.
Please answer these questions in the comments section of the referral form.
You can copy and paste them in by highlighting the questions with your mouse and pressing ctrl +c to copy and ctrl + v to paste into the comments section:
Who is the client's utility provider?
What is the client's utility provider account number?
Does the client have pay-as-you-go meters installed?
Does the client have smart meters installed?
Does the client receive pension credits?
Name of the utility account holder (if different from the client's name).
Confirmation of which of the six eligibility criteria qualifies the client for support. (For example, "people over the age of 65, low income, and not in receipt of Pension Credit".
Referrals Partner Webinars
​​We hold refresher webinars throughout the project for referral partners. If you are a referral partner, please feel free to sign up to one of the webinar dates listed below for you to hear a refresher of how to refer, the progress of the project so far and also to ask any questions. You are also welcome to email questions to us at fuelsupport@caliverpool.org.uk.​
Access to the referral form
This form is protected by a firewall to ensure referrering organisations are set up in our database. Any organisations who have received an email directly from Citizens Advice Liverpool regarding this project have already been set up. If you are having trouble accessing the referral form, please contact fuelsupport@caliverpool.org.uk